Tuesday 30 May 2017

Fred Hallows

1929    was burn in New Zealand.

1976 to 1978    his teams screened 100,000 people.

1980    had extended his campaign for treating avoidable eye disease.

1989    was diagnosed with cancer.

1990    was awarded.

1992   the Fred Hollows Foundation was established.

1993    died.

Justine Florence Saunders

1953     was born

1974     become a professional actress.

1976    came to prominence for the first time.

1991     was awarded an Order of Australian Medal.

2000      gained wider national prominence.

2007      died in Sydney

Tuesday 28 March 2017

Task 7

1- railways                            e- transportation
2-  cultivation of oranges      j- citrus farming
3- troposphere                       g- atmosphere
4- cotton growing                  i-  industrial crops
5- under population               h- population
6- panama canal                    c- sea routes
7- growth of New York         b- urbanisation
8- uranium                            d- ores
9- coal production                 a- mining
10- rainfall                            f- climate

Sunday 5 March 2017

Solar taxi

Ban Ki-moon the chief of united nations gave us an important message when he used solar taxi. It is one of many things that uses to reduce emission of carbon in the world. also solar taxi is one of the ways to apply Kyoto Protocol. So if  world uses solar taxi, we will keep our environment.  

Kyoto Protocol

It is necessary to countries to apply Kyoto protocol to reduce global warming. countries can replace carbon by another elements like generate electricity from solar cells or wind turbine. also countries must reducing factories that produce carbon. we can use transports  that uses electricity. in addition we should save our forest to suck carbon.

Tuesday 28 February 2017


 In these days recycling is very important to reduce pollution and keep our earth. Government can built many factories to recycling or can built stations to generate electricity from materials that need to recycle. Also the government must create many programs in school to learn pupils about recycling. we can work together to save our nature.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Immgration to Australia

I am going to compare the immigration to Australia between 1992 and 2002. In 1992 was decrease slightly but in 2002 the immigration was fluctuated. The maximum immigration in 1992 was at Europe and the minimum was at north america while in 2002 the maximum was at Oceania and the minimum was at south and central america.